It’s a new year, here are 10 tips for keeping your new year resolutions. We all know how tough it can be to keep our new year resolutions but if it’s something you really care about, these tips will help. It’s never easy to start an entirely new routine to meet your goals, hopefully these tips can help you.
10 Tips for Keeping Your New Year Resolutions
Write It Down
The best tip for keeping your new year resolutions is to write it down. Write it down and stick it everywhere! You’ll have a good reminder, everywhere you go that you have goals and you need to be making progress towards those goals.
Get An Accountability Partner
This is a great tip for keeping your new year resolutions especially if it has to do with health and fitness. You can go a lot farther and with more determination if you have someone who is helping to keep you accountable to your goals.
Be Realistic
It’s okay to have big goals, but be realistic about the progress you intend to make. Nothing makes us more prone to giving up on our new year resolutions than failure after failure. If you set unrealistic goals you will be prone to many more failures which could deter your overall progress!
Give Yourself Rewards
Set up a reward system when you being your journey towards achieving your new year resolutions. Whatever you think will motivate you. Treats, special purchases, money in your savings account, etc. Find a way to motivate yourself (perhaps a spa day or a day off work to shop, play, hang out with friends) whatever works for you will help to keep you on track.
Use Technology
Do you have a smart home? A smart phone? A computer you are using everyday? Use technology to your advantage. Positive quotes, images, and reminders set to your devices can help you stay on track from day to day. Technology can help you take a modern grasp on your new goals and resolutions.
One Step At A Time
Changing behaviors can be especially tricky. Adjust one behavior at a time until you have a firm grasp on how to control those changes. Doing things in small increments like this can help make the changes more long lasting and permeant!
Ask For Help
It doesn’t say anywhere that you have to do it alone! Achieving your goals is just as rewarding even if you have to ask for a little support. Get help when you need it. Ask professionals for tips, advice, and support whenever possible. Ask someone who has been where you are, someone with the same journey will be able to offer insight and positivity that can benefit you along the way.
Surround Yourself With A Positive Community
If you are feeling pressured to make specific changes this can be for your well being but it can also be really stressful. Make sure you are in a positive community! If you live near family and friends this can be a great support system. If not, find ways to meet up with people who can help be the support system that you need to reach your goals.
For those of you living in our MCLife Tulsa community, The Place at 101 Sheridan, you can always reach out to other community members. Having people nearby that you can connect with and draw encouragement and support from is important!
Talk About It
The more you verbalize your goals the closer you will be to that achievement. Verbalizing your goals can really help you make the changes you want to see, a reality. Part of keeping any new year resolution is talking about it. This also gives people a chance to help you stay accountable to your goals!
Don’t Get Down On Yourself
Everyone makes mistakes, we all slip up, if you are going to keep your new year resolutions you need to make sure you aren’t too hard on yourself about slip ups and failures. Sure, be tough enough to get back up but don’t be so broken down by a mistake or a slip up that you give up entirely. The important thing is to keep moving forward…even if it’s at a slow pace!