National American Beer Day – A Holiday With Good Taste
Owned and operated by Anheuser-Busch they are best known for their Budweiser and Bud Lite brands which have a rich history in American brewing. They even changed their name to America during a summer branding project! At nearly 165 years old they are a long standing tradition in the United States and it’s easy to see why they’d make our list celebrating National American Beer Day!
Coors Light
Coors and Miller merged to form MillerCoors and between them they have over 450 years of experience. Not surprising then that they are two of the top three beers in the United States at any given time. Coors Light is one of the most popular light beers known around the world.
Miller Light
By 1849 the founder of Miller was a brewmaster in Germany! How cool is that?! Their long standing history is synonymous with some of the most famous names in America. They’re a big supporter via advertising in sports, racing, and more.
Brewed in White Plains, New York Heineken started out as a single brewery in Amsterdam nearly 150 years ago. They are known for their green cans and bottles and have since grown to be the worlds most international brewer!
Pabst Blue Ribbon
From humble roots, winning the “blue ribbon” at the fair, Pabst has grown over the last 174 years to create a name synonymous with excellence. They have recently started to gain popularity with younger people (over 21 but less than 70) and have amped up their branding!
America’s oldest brewery, started in the small town of Pottsville, PA. They’ve become known for their lager. On the East coast especially where ordering a Lager means you want a Yuengling Lager. They brew many different kinds of beer and are also known for their stout, called a Yuengling Black & Tan.
DogFish Head
They grew from humble roots as a somewhat new and unknown brewery to 23 years later being one of the top 25 breweries in the United States. In that short time they’ve developed a nearly cult like following! They are known for their slogan and motto of brining “off centered goodness to off centered people” they pride themselves on being a bit different from other breweries and companies!
Constellation (Corona, Modelo)
Though the brands Corona and Modelo are Mexican brewed they are owned by Constellation Breweries which is an American company. Corona and Modelo have both become popular in the US in recent years. They’re owned alongside a host of other small names which have great followings in the US and around the globe.
Based in Rochester, NY Genesee was founded in 1878. Genesee Cream Ale is one of their staples and it is especially loved in the United States. They’re owned by North American Breweries which is also home to brands like Labatt, Seagrams Escapes, and Imperial!
Samuel Adams
Sam Adams is best known for their Boston Lager and their seasonal brews which became so popular that they had to keep making them, year after year! Owned and operated by the Boston Beer Company the Samuel Adams line is particularly popular and profitable. From an old recipe found in the attic to a multimillion dollar business, Sam Adams has come along way in such a short time.