Moving to Tulsa with kids? Here is a list of the must see places for the whole family to explore and have tons of fun right here in Tulsa.
If you like outdoor adventures, indoor learning experiences, and even pet friendly adventures you will want to check out all of these cool spots for family fun!

Family Fun in Tulsa:
There’s a little something for everyone and always something to learn. Check out some of these top five spots for family fun in Tulsa today!
Tulsa Zoo
The Tulsa Zoo is a great educational resource that you won’t want to miss out on. They’re doing great conservation work and sharing so much knowledge with everyone. It’s a wild ride that will keep even the busiest of kids entertained!
Oklahoma Aquarium
The aquarium has so much to see and do, and of course kids love learning about all the animals and exhibits. If you have curious minds in the house then this is the perfect way to get out and about while not having to deal with the summer heat!
Gathering Place
The Gathering Place is a riverfront park that has great views but also tons of things to see and explore. It’s in the Downtown area so it’s centrally located and a great way to get out of the city space and into a more open area. It’s great for a picnic spot, walking or biking, and perfect for a place that can include your pets!
Tulsa Air and Space Museum and Planetarium
The Tulsa Air and Space Museum and Planetarium is a very interactive museum that allows you to get up close and personal with so many of the exhibits. There are lots of activities and events as well. Check out the website for details on special events and occasions to get the most out of your next visit with the whole family.
Mohawk Park
Mohawk Park is a great spot for families. It’s got lots of hiking and walking trails, a huge park, and there’s a zoo! The Oxley Nature Center is here, as well as a golf course.